Monday, November 1, 2010

starting november

greetings people of earth... okay so only 2 followers... lol. 

today starts the month of november and every day gets closer to less and less money... so last week, once my 20 year reunion was over and done with ( cuz i had alot to do for that ) i have hit my employment applications with a sort of vengeance... i turned in 4 apps on friday and will be turning in 4 more tomorrow. time to start calling in any favors, looking for leads to put in a good word and time to start bugging those HR people cuz I NEED TO WORK and more importantly I WANT TO WORK!!!

this is enough... i hate going to the store and only buying what i need and pouting when i can't get something i want- even if it's not expensive. gotta pay the bills first and foremost.

i'm getting worried now and a little more scared... i was already nervous before, but the job thing just hasn't happened for me yet. 

i went to san juditas and the shrine yesterday and i hope those prayers are answered with a big YES, you get a job! a career! i even readier now than ever. i hate this rut... this rut sucks...

i need prayers. i may post on fb to get help in numbers from my friends... 
so, here i am, just wanted to post something to get the month started.
wish me luck. I NEED IT! :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

drama with christians...geez!

my goodness, you know it's bad when there's drama with people who are just SOOOOO religious, God this and God that... just wow... i know God. i pray, but i don't shove down other people's throats... UGH...

if those are their "christian ways" i won't be stepping in that church EVER... i'm catholic... may not practice it, but i have my beliefs and in general, be kind to people... yes, i know... i'm evil too, but a good kind. there's difference between mean and evil... and i got to vent to lu about it all too. :)

but it wasn't all a bad day... had a conversation with a friend from high school... a good conversation---football, high school days and recent events in our health issues... i pray for him... he's a good guy all around... good husband and father... glad to know that there are good guys out there and some actually came from starr county. lol.

i'm on a little break from cleaning my house... gonna have company on sunday... reunion meeting and decorating for it too... wanna have it look nice and feel comfortable with them here...

 20 days till the start of our festivities with the 20 year class reunion... i have so much to do and i'm gonna put my mind to it this next week to relax before it gets even closer...

well, back to it... just wanted to vent a little.

Monday, September 27, 2010

snip snip for julius

OMG... i found a low-cost spay/neuter clinic here in McAllen... sorry my chiquis... you will be snipped this week... maybe tomorrow, but for sure on wednesday!!!

i'm already lazy and not happy when i have to clean, BUT when i have to do it because he pissed on my counter, my bathroom room and then today ON MY COUCH!!! HELL NO! maybe not a dead kitty but no more ballies for you hunny bunny... you are so cute laying here on the table next to me whilst i type... i hope you don't change your personality and just the fact that you want to mark this whole damn house... when it's time to get another kitty or doggie, i think i'll get a female... all boys all my boys...

what else did i do today besides wash a comforter and blanket due to MARKING... i made my cousin raulito's wedding programs... it's still missing a few things, but they still need to add them. lol. i emailed  his fiance the file. she may make some changes here and there, not sure, we'll see. i just wanted to help out and be part of it in some way since chances are i may not make it up there due to the budget or lack thereof.
not to toot my own horn...yaaaa... i like they way they turned out... i love working on publisher and photoshop... gotta get back to the pics from high school... times gonna go quickly and i need to get that video in order!

first words of my first blog

first words of my first blog... why is it so easy to hear all the words in my head but i just don't feel like getting them down on paper... or the screen in this case...what exactly will this blog be about... not sure yet... as of now, just random thoughts and events of the day...

today is sunday. it was a pretty good day. i had spent the night in rio with my mom. i didn't want her to sleep alone after being in the emergency room for some rather a rapid heart rate...i know that fear. still, i was glad to be there for her. today she made caldo de res and i learned... good cuz i love it. got to see my tita too. she's doing very well considering she was just in the hospital last week. i worry and am scared, but am so grateful for the many years i've been able to have with her. she's 92 and still strong willed and remembers it all. what a blessing. what else was good about today? well, the cowboys won today... the st. louis cardinals won as well and yesterday, UCLA beat t.u... gotta smile bout that :)

came home to have to clean up a lovely smell that my youngest julius decided to leave in freddy's toy box in the entrance... omg... that smell is just horrible... yuck. you cat people know what i'm talking about. i still have to wash my comforter... guess why? all this time, i was blaming amadeus. sorry baby. i'll fix your brother soon and you'll all be even and ballus! :)

man i have alot to do this week. i'm working on the video for my 20 year class reunion. i could be lazy and just get the pics in order they way they are or the way they were scanned... nope, not me. gotta photoshop them, crop here, colors fixed there, remove a blemish here and there... i can't help it, i have to do it. i really want this video to make everybody smile and laugh at our memories... those old pics are the best... i cannot even imagine if we woulda had digital cameras back then... oh wow, i'd go crazy.

well, goodnight cyberworld and my one sole follower (for now) my heavy metal sister forever. i love you... we'll see when i write some more and hopefully it will be much more exciting than this. lol.